Here you can finalize the payment on your order.
If you need any support please email
Click Here For The Contact Form
While processing your payment please use discretion.
DO NOT mention mushrooms or liquid culture.
DO NOT mention InfinityLC or anything about the product.
ONLY mention the order number and your payment amount.
USD: Use the form below to pay USD orders with a credit card
CAD: Canadian orders please send an Etransfer to:
Or we can email you a CAD invoice to use a credit card.
We can accept most credit cards online through an emailed invoice. We can also accept crypto payments in BTC & ETH. We also accept mail orders in cash for payment.
To pay using a credit card you first need to create an order. Add items to the cart and complete the checkout process by selecting "credit card" as the payment method. Shortly after receiving the order our team will send you an email with an invoice to click and complete the payment. Once you have completed payment on the invoice the order will be sent to the shipping team.
To pay using a cash in the mail you first need to create an order. Add items to the cart and complete the checkout process by selecting "mail order" as the payment method. Shortly after receiving the order our team will send you an email with instructions on where and how to send the cash to complete the payment. Once we have received your payment the order will be sent to the shipping team.
To pay using a crypto you first need to create an order. Add items to the cart and complete the checkout process by selecting "crypto" as the payment method. Follow the instructions and complete the payment. Once the payment is completed its best to use the contact form and let us know your crypto payment is completed. We will match up the payment to your order and get it sent to the shipping team.